Thursday, September 1, 2011

Attaining Serenity and Smiles

Life is full of challenging surprises!  I am thankful for such challenges, knowing that each obstacle I overcome in life is a step closer to the stronger and better person I strive to be for myself and for others.  Yet when you find yourself in the midst of the storm, it can be difficult to make sense of the situation or view a clear perspective.  In stressful times, I turn to prayer first and usually compliment it with an additional note of peace and humor (shown below).  I hope you find the same goodness!

Attain Serenity
I no longer let myself be swept into the turmoil of my mind and emotions.
From now on I let go of all stress, tension, and worry so I may attain harmony and serenity.
I will do one thing at a time and savor each moment.

This YouTube video is super adorable and gives me warm fuzzies every time!

Sunday, July 31, 2011


Due to popular demand, I've decided to add 4 more intense workouts to round out the summer!  

We still have 8 workouts remaining, and it's never too late to sign up for great results...that's if you're up for a totally new workout challenge! 

Saturday, July 23, 2011


Join us for the remaining six sessions of Bikini Butts N' Guts as we hustle our bodies to become optimal performance machines!  

These workouts are guaranteed to push your body to the max and drive you to work harder than before.  Plus, I know you'll be impressed with the physical and positive emotional changes you'll experience in just six training sessions.  Step up to the challenge today!

Sunday, July 17, 2011


This week's workouts will be a hard-hitting focus on stamina and core strength.  Tuesday's workout will be the most brutal, and Thursday's workout will maliciously clean up Tuesday's muscle mess. In a word: AWESOME!  :-)

Come one, come all!  These are new and exciting workouts that you won't want to miss!  Registration is open and available by clicking on the BUY NOW button on the right.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

COME JOIN THE CALORIE-BLASTING FUN! Only 10 workouts remaining this summer!

Hey Fitness Friends,

One of the things I love most about running Boot Camps is the ability to guide each individual to a greater sense of self-confidence through exercise.  I've witnessed incredible leaps and bounds by all who have attended my Boot Camps, and the snowball effect of positivity it provides is something I wish for everyone. 

I'm looking for just a few more people who are willing to dedicate themselves to a better body and a better mind.  We have 10 phenomenal, 45-minute workouts remaining for $119.  If you're looking for workouts that zap the fat and challenge you to become a stronger, better and more competent person, then trust me, I'll be happy to personally deliver that and then some!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Here's a question to challenge you this week...

What are your thoughts on failure?
  In a recent interview with Piers Morgan, Steve Harvey, an accomplished comedian, actor and author, described how failure can be one of the best ways to learn in life and that it challenges us to grow.  Sometimes life hands you a mediocre or a seemingly epic fail.  What's great is that we still have the choice to learn from the experience and re-think what our approach would be for the next time around.  Begin to view failure as a positive thing and build your successes upon them, one at a time.  This creates a huge sense of empowerment and a slight superhero feeling of "I can do anything!"...because you can, and you will! 

Push-ups are my prime, fitness related example of this.  I never used to include them in my workouts because they were hard to perform well and I figured I could get by with other exercises.  Over the last year I've been studying more about Bodyweight Training and along with that comes...(drumroll) new-found love, push-ups!  After learning and figuring out new ways to keep push-ups interesting, challenging and fun, I, as well as many of you, now couldn't imagine a workout without them...push-ups are the best!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Get a chiseled body this summer with BIKINI BUTTS N' GUTS

My most recent Bodyweight Burnout Boot Camps were full of people passionate about getting in a serious, muscle-blasting workout.  My, for lack of a more appropriate term, "victims" displayed amazing efforts and gained phenomenal results! 

Now, when ya got a good thing going, it doesn't make sense to stop the goodness from flowing.  That being said, I'm thrilled to announce that I'll be offering a brand new round of bodyweight workouts at my 
Summer 2011 Boot Camp:
Bikini Butts N' Guts

Click on the BUCKWILD BOOT CAMPS link above for complete details about this results-proven, 10 session summer workout package.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

New BODY WEIGHT BURNOUT Boot Camps coming soon!

Summer is just around the corner and tons of you have been requesting a quick workout program to get you lookin' your absolute best!  Ask, and you shall receive! 

I can hardly wait to deliver the incredible workouts I have planned for my upcoming Body Weight Burnout Boot Camps!  I will be offering an early morning 2-week (8 session) program starting June 6th, as well as an evening 3-week (6 session) program starting May 31st. 

Sign up today to reserve your spot, and the right to bare sexy arms! :)

Monday, March 21, 2011

20 Chews Per Bite Keeps the Waistline Tight

Have you ever counted the number of chews you take per bite of food?  By doing so, your waistline and your health can benefit in a number of ways.

In today's fast-paced world, we often try to multi-task when we eat, which distracts us from what we're eating and more importantly how we're eating.  If you eat too fast, you miss out on the enjoyment and taste of the food.  This can lead to consuming too many calories in one sitting, as well as potential digestive problems.

I want you to challenge yourself to 20 chews per bite at your next meal and every meal.  By slowing down the consumption process, you may find that a smaller amount of food actually fills you up, leading to less calories consumed, and a higher taste satisfaction level.  In addition, you will be allowing your body a more adequate amount of time to absorb proper nutrients.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Determining your Active Metabolic Rate (AMR)

The first part of determining your AMR is identifying your current physical activity level.  Which of the following options sounds most like you?

a. Sedentary Physical Activity Level
Do you have a desk job or do some other kind of work that keeps you in your chair for most of the day? If the answer is yes, your score is 1.1.

b. Light Physical Activity Level
Are you on your feet and walking around for at least half the day? Stay-at-home moms, salespeople, and doctors fall into this category. If this is you, your score is 1.2.

c. Moderate Physical Activity Level
If you're on the move pretty much all day, with a few limited periods of being sedentary, this is the level for you. People in this category include gardeners, carpenters, and mail carriers. If you're in this category, your score is 1.3.

d. High Physical Activity Level
Does your job require being constantly on the move, and does it entail significant amounts of manual labor? Construction workers, farm workers, and movers are among those who land in this category. If you're in this group, your score is 1.4.

Another element you need to calculate your total AMR is the number of calories you burn from exercise on an average day. The number of calories you burn during any exercise session depends on a few things, primarily your body weight.  Here is a link for's Fit-O-Meter:

Now you have your BMR, your daily activity score, and your exercise expenditure.  Simply multiply your BMR by your daily activity score, and then add your exercise expenditure. 

(BMR x daily activity score) + exercise expenditure = estimated AMR

Whatever you get from this final calculation is your Active Metabolic Rate.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Determining Your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)

Your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), also similarly known as your Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR), is the total number of calories you burn throughout an inactive day.  This number is particularly important so you can determine the number of calories you should allow yourself on any given inactive day.  Here's how we determine your BMR:

MALE: 66 + (6.3 × body weight in pounds) + (12.9 × height in inches) − (6.8 × age in years) 

FEMALE: 655 + (4.3 × weight in pounds) + (4.7 × height in inches) − (4.7 × age in years)

Keep this number in mind and make wise, healthy decisions this week.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Rule Of The Game: Intensity!

Here's a quick and insightful read from Jillian Michaels about stepping up your workout intensity.  Enjoy!

"If you're looking to shed stubborn pounds, the rule of the game is to increase the intensity of your workouts. I want you to be working out at 85 percent of your maximum heart rate (MHR). However, you may have heard the "fat-burning zone" theory that encourages you to work out at just 70 to 75 percent of your MHR. The outdated assumption is that your body is drawing predominately on fat calories for energy — WRONG! It's completely misleading and it's time to lay the "fat-burning zone" myth to rest. 

During physical training, your body has three possible sources of energy: carbs, fat, and protein. Protein is a last resort — of the three energy sources, your body is the most reluctant to draw on your protein stores. 

Whether your body takes energy from glucose, which it gets from the breakdown of carbs, or fat depends on the intensity of your workout. Training at a high level of intensity forces your body to draw on carb calories for energy — they are a more efficient source of energy, and your body goes for its premium fuel when you're working hard. If you are training at a low level of intensity, your body doesn't need to be as efficient, so it will draw on a higher percentage of fat calories for fuel. 

Sounds like low-intensity training would be more effective when it comes to losing fat, right? Wrong. These physiological facts are the ones that spawned the mistaken belief that low-intensity activity is better than high-intensity activity when it comes to burning fat and losing weight. These days we know that even though the ratio of fat-to-carb calories might be higher during low-intensity exercise, fewer calories are used up overall. High-intensity exercise burns the biggest number of calories."