Monday, March 21, 2011

20 Chews Per Bite Keeps the Waistline Tight

Have you ever counted the number of chews you take per bite of food?  By doing so, your waistline and your health can benefit in a number of ways.

In today's fast-paced world, we often try to multi-task when we eat, which distracts us from what we're eating and more importantly how we're eating.  If you eat too fast, you miss out on the enjoyment and taste of the food.  This can lead to consuming too many calories in one sitting, as well as potential digestive problems.

I want you to challenge yourself to 20 chews per bite at your next meal and every meal.  By slowing down the consumption process, you may find that a smaller amount of food actually fills you up, leading to less calories consumed, and a higher taste satisfaction level.  In addition, you will be allowing your body a more adequate amount of time to absorb proper nutrients.