Friday, June 18, 2010


Want a workout that's fun and gets results???

Here's what one camper had to say about last week's Buckwild Boot Camp:

"I am an individual that would fall into the category of a "gym rat".  I have spent 4-5 days/week in the gym, going on three years.  My goal is to obtain a solid and defined physique.  After reading and implementing countless routines in books and magazines I continue to have trouble targeting specific muscle groups that need improvement.  Needless to say the time I have spent in the gym has improved my physique, but only to a certain extent.  I recently participated in a fitness boot camp organized and designed by Tricia and to put it plainly...I'm hooked!  After just one session I noticed a difference in tone, strength, and endurance.  The customized workouts and routines designed by Tricia hit the muscles I could not target using the knowledge I gathered from books and magazines over the years.  Using her extensive knowledge in fitness and health, Tricia has combined hard work and fun into her fitness programs which make them enjoyable for any individual, from your average couch potato to the dedicated gym rat.  Results don't lie." 
-Matt of Costa Mesa

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Obese Bird Sent To Birdy Boot Camp

It's sad, but true.  This lil' feathered friend was fed one too many sausages...that's right...sausages!  The human body has a hard enough time digesting such a processed piece of gross glory, let alone a small bird or any pet for that matter. 

Fortunately enough, the bird is on a meal plan and will be working with a personal trainer 3x a day, until the bird is no longer considered "too fat to fly".

Here's the full article:

In light of the situation at hand, now is clearly the best time to get into Buckwild Boot Camps.  Register today to reserve your spot and get closer to the body you've always wanted!